Thursday, November 25, 2010

我想交新女友了!Panassonic DMC-GF2 来了 !

之前有想过要买olmpus pen ep-1因为本人是无法抵抗白色的产品的,可是很可惜这架相机的功能并没有达到我的要求。
在之后有考虑要买GF 1因为相机的功能很好可是因为颜色的关系所以最后还是决定再看看。






Panasonic DMC-GF1 重點特色

● 搭載 1210 萬畫素 Live MOS 感光元件,最高解析度可達 4000 x 3000
● 三吋 46 萬畫素液晶螢幕
● 內建 GN6 閃燈,可隱藏至機身內部
● 感光度範圍:ISO 100 - 3200
● 快門速度範圍:60 秒至 1/4000s 秒,支援 B 快門
● 連拍速度為每秒 3 張,可連拍無限張 JPEG 或 7 張 RAW 檔
● 720P 高畫質錄影,最高可達 60FPS(AVCHD)或 30 FPS(M.JPEG)
● 錄影時可控制光圈、快門,並可全時自動對焦(配合 14-140 HD 效果最佳)
● 支援原廠推出的電子觀景窗(選購,解析度為 20 萬畫素,可向上垂直轉動 90 度,售價約 200 美元)
● 儲存媒介: SD / SDHC卡
● HDMI 輸出功能
● 搭配 DMW-BLB13 鋰電池,每次充電可拍攝 350 至 380 張
● 體積 119.0 x 71.0 x 36.3 mm
● 將推出黑、紅、銀、白四種款式(視販售地點可能有所調整)
● 重量 約 285 克(僅機身),搭配 20mm F1.7 餅乾鏡約 448 公克

GF2 和 GF1 比起來,GF2的規格進化幅度相當大,除了采用新的 Venus Engine FHD 來強化影像品质,主要还增加了和 G2、GH2 相同的触控荧幕,还有高规格的 Full HD 立体声录影,在整体实力上超越了许多竞争对手。

加上 GF2 体型比 GF1 更小巧,不仅体型縮小 19%,重量也减轻 7% 左右,所以非常适合穗生携带,有时候带着笨重的DSLR上街还真是个折磨呢。


▲ 日系风格,主打女性的 GF2 宣传影片。

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2 與 GF1 規格比較
型號 Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2 Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1
感光元件 M4/3 規格 1200 萬畫素 Live MOS
影像引擎 Venus Engine FHD Venus Engine HD
感光度範圍 ISO 100 ~ 6400 ISO 100 ~ 3200
錄影 1080i @ 60 FPS、720p @ 60FPS
立體聲 + AVCHD 編碼)
720p @ 60FPS
(AVCHD Lite 編碼)
螢幕規格 觸控式 3 吋 46 萬畫素 LCD 3 吋 46 萬畫素 LCD
快門速度 60 秒至 1/4000s 秒
連拍速度 每秒 3.2 張 每秒 3 張
內建閃燈 有(GN6)
儲存媒介 SD、SDHC、SDXC 記憶卡 SD、SDHC 記憶卡
HDMI 輸出 有(1080i) 有(720p)
電池 DMW-BLD10PP 鋰電池(1010mAh)
每次充電可拍攝 300 至 320 張
DMW-BLB13 鋰電池(1250mAh)
每次充電可拍攝 350 至 380 張
機身款式 黑、白、紅、銀、粉紅
體積 112.8 x 67.8 x 32.8 mm 119.0 x 71.0 x 36.3 mm
重量 265 公克 約 285 公克
搭配鏡頭 14mm F2.5 或 14-42 OIS
20mm F1.7 或 14-45mm OIS
3D 鏡頭 支援 不支援
發表時間 2010 年 11 月 2009 年 9 月
▲ GF1 和GF2的规格比较,红色字体是已经提升的功能。

▲ 雖然 GF2 體積變小了,但仍保留內建的彈出式閃燈,非常貼心。

觸控螢幕 + 觸控操控介面
GF1 搭載 3 吋 46 萬畫素的 LCD 螢幕,至於新款的 GF2 雖然規格和前代機種相同,卻多了極為流暢的觸控功能,而且操作介面因應觸控功能而做了不少調整,使用者不僅可以體驗點哪裡、拍哪裡的超級便利性,還能透過 觸碰 LCD 來變更色階表等項目的位置,甚至調整曝光補償、光圈快門等等,都會變得更直覺方便

▲ GF2 搭載觸控螢幕,點哪裡拍哪裡,而操作介面也將針對此功能來做最佳化。

GF2 外型比前代 GF1 更加小巧,無論寬度、高度、厚度都全方面瘦身成功,而且將模式轉盤(用來切換 P、A、S、M、情境模式等)整合到觸控介面之中而省略實體轉盤,讓 GF2 頂端成為非常俐落的極簡平面造型,不過熱靴、內建閃燈以及速控滾輪倒是都還在,大致上保留了相當完整的機身功能,但省略了部分使用機率較低的按鈕。

▲ 體積減少 19% 的 GF2,看起來比前代更加俐落有型。

▲ 增加立體聲收音孔和 iA 智慧型自動模式快捷鍵,但把模式轉盤拿掉。
▲ GF2(裝上 EVF)背面設計,按鈕簡化,拿掉 AF/MF、AF/AE Lock 以及 Display 鈕。

Full HD 1080i @ 60FPS AVCHD 立體聲錄影

前代機種 GF1 具備 720p AVCHD Lite 高畫質錄影,對許多玩家來說已經夠用,但如今支援 Full HD 的高解析度電腦螢幕和液晶電視價格越來越平易近人,因此 GF2 更是慷慨的支援 Full HD 錄影,可錄製每秒 60 張更新率的 1080i 影片(流量 17Mbps),立體聲收音,並透過 AVCHD 編碼縮小檔案容量,以滿足影音多媒體愛好者的需求。至於前代機種所支援的 720p @ 60FPS 錄影,GF2 當然也列為選項之一。

這次 GF2 採用新一代的 Venus Engine FHD 引擎,擁有更迅速精準的運算能力 ,不僅藉此達成 Full HD 錄影能力,還讓照片畫質比前代機種更加清晰細緻,高感度表現預計也將有明顯提昇約 1 格左右,可望改善 GF1 感光度超過 ISO 800 之後相當明顯的雜訊問題。

Intelligent Resolution 超解像技術
超解像模式能夠透過數位演算法,對畫面中的銳利度、對比、細節作更好的調整,令你得到細節充分呈現的照片,發揮這片 1200 萬畫素 Live Mos 感光元件的極限潛力。

▲ I.R. 超解像技術,可幫助相機把感光元件的細節描繪力發揮到極限。

兩枚 Micro 4/3 定焦新鏡
除了 DMC-GF1 之外,Panasonic 還幫它推出了兩顆非常實用的新鏡,分別是 20mm f1.7 大光圈餅乾鏡(等效 40mm),以及萊卡認證 45mm f2.8 Mega O.I.S. 防手震微距鏡(等效 90mm),無論室內拍攝人像或戶外拍攝花卉、小型昆蟲等,DMC-GF1 都能有對應的優秀解決方案。而上一代所缺乏的雙鏡組,這次則將推出囉。不過想要 20mm F1.7 的 GF2 使用者就必須另行購買。另外值得注意的是,如果購買黑色或紅色款式的 GF2,那麼搭配的 14mm 餅乾鏡將是黑色外觀,而銀、白、粉紅三種款式的 14mm 餅乾鏡搭配的 14mm 餅乾鏡將是銀灰色(類似 20mm F1.7 的設計)。

LUMIX G 20mm / F1.7 ASPH. 鏡頭規格
● 等效焦段:40mm
● 鏡片組成:5 群 7 枚
● 光圈葉片數:7 片
● 最大光圈:F1.7,最小光圈:F16
● 最短攝影距離:0.2m
● 最大攝影倍率:0.25 倍
● 濾鏡口徑:46mm
● 重量:100g
● 建議售價:399.95 美元

● 等效焦段:90mm
● 鏡片組成:10 群 14 枚(含一枚 ED 鏡與一枚非球面鏡)
● 光圈葉片數:7 片
● 最大光圈:F2.8,最小光圈:F22
● 最短攝影距離:0.15m
● 最大攝影倍率:0.5 倍
● 濾鏡口徑:46mm
● 重量:225g
● 建議售價:899.95 美元




Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's our one month ♥

Today 20.10.10 is one month annivesary of me and my boy .

We had celebrated it earlier and I decided to post on today to make this post more meaningfull :D

My boy brought me to a restaurant in Kajang called 21st century cafe to have our dinner.

The food there is really nice and is not very expensive.

Btw Thanks to my boy who belanja me the meal :D

This is how the restaurant looks like

We arrive there on 6smt and get to choose one nice seating that have nice view :)

Introducing my boy - Dom :D

The juices here is big enough for sharing

One of my favourite - Fried Ice-cream !

Feeding my boy :D

And slowly the day getting darker and darker

It's still havent become all dark yet but the view is very nice d.

Do you notice taht we are wearing couple shirt ? XD

Finally the food came !

He ordered cheese pot with steak which cost only about RM20,look at his sozai smile :DD

This cheese pot is soooooooo nice ><

Steak with onion ring,tomato,corn and bread
*I'm hungry now ><*

While waiting for my steak,I just sitting there and waiting for my boy to cut the steak and feed me *ngek ngek * The beef with the cheese sauce is really sooooo nice ! And if you could not eat beef,there are still many choices here with the cheese pot such as sausage,lamb and others :)

And Finally my steak came !!

It's medium steak with black pepper sauce which cost abt RM30.The meat is softer than the steak earlier so that's why it cost more expensive but it really worth for the price. We both love it so much.And I think the black pepper sauce is very nice also since it was not too black pepper (what am i talking ? LOL)

And finally the night came....

The night view here.So nice right ? It's really suitable for couple to have a meal here :)

And is a fun place for photography addicter since you can take diff pics of light here :)

And I get a present from my boy tat night too ♥

Can you believe he did this box by himself just by using cardboard ? o.O

What's inside the box is the roses he folded by himself.The roses is so much better than the roses the guys in our class folded .Haha these roses look like chocolate to me .He folded each rose every day since we be together and you can see there are 3 empty spots there because we celebrated the annivesary earlier.I'm still waiting for the 3 remaining roses ♥ . And my boy design and do the box so that it can stand like a photo frame.What a clever boy :D

Zoomed in photo of the roses

And the present I gave him :D

Although it's just one month we be together,but I believe we will be together for manyyyyyyy one months more

Happy one month

♥ U Dom

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Good news ! :D

Trial exam just finished yesterday and I get a good news today :

Wonder Girls is coming to Malaysia for concert !

I'm definetely going despite SPM havent finish tat time and I can buy VIP seating XD

For more information,you may go to

Wonderfuls,dont ever miss this SUPER good chance to see them :D

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Some photo works :)

Just a short update of some of my photo works recently :)

Photos taken by Tine ♥
*Please ASK before you post my pics at other places :)

The sky is so blue recently :D

Saturday, August 21, 2010

K-Fashion - Dress & Skirt [ Cute & Young Style ]

Hi everyone ! This will be my very first post about KFashion which means Korean Fashion. I think many ppl know abt Japan Fashion because of famous japan fashion magazines like Vivi,Ray,Mina and etc.But actually I like Korean Fashion more because it is based on the concept simple and nice, so to make more people know abt Korean Fashion I will start to blog about it :)

Today I will blog about young and cute style.

I think some of my readers are asking some questions below :

Q:What is young and cute style ?

Okay,nowdays many girls that just turned eighteen would like to try on high heels with beautiful skirts or dress, but the problem that many girls facing is they do not know how to choose nice dress and skirt that suitable to their age.Mang girls will dress up too mature during their teen days and early 20 days.For me I think we should dress up according to our age,from 18-23 esp during college or university days ,I think we should dress up cutely and look young.That's why I set the style as cute & young style : )

Q:When and where should we dress up the cute & young style ?

This style of dressing is suitable for :

Girls who :

-wanna look young on dress and skirt but not too mature or lady
-wanna look pretty when dating with boyfriends
-wanna have a simple yet pretty dressing when hanging out with friends

-going to a photoshoot session no matter with friends or professional cameraman
-having a simple gathering

-going college or university

Conclusion that I made is you can wear this style of dressing as casual look or even some important dates because it will show your charm.

These photos are mainly from the online shop in Korea,so all the girls in the photos are definetely Korean, they are normally models,ulzzangs or artists.

For those who do not know anything about Korean Fashion,I should tell you the basic formula of Korean Fashion :
top/blouse + high waisted skirt/pant + high heels
This formual is really useful to make you looks taller and have a pair of long long legs !
Okay,let's see the photos now.I will try my best to explain every point that make them look cute and young and also some suggestion for you :)

Choose the right tshirt !

High waisted skirt with the pattern of flower is a big trend in Korea.But if you do not know how to choose the top,you will look like your mother.So choose tshirt just like the rabbit shirt that the model is wearing.You may also choose other pattern of cute tshirt but remember do not wear tshirt that is too colourful because your skirt is already colourful enough.

Wear cute hairband

Just like the hairband in the picture.If you think that this hairband is too exaggerate and weird,you may wear hairband with small ribbon.Remember ribbon and hairband always gives cute feeling.

Wear high heels

Wearing high heels will make your legs look longer,the high heels that the model wearing is not so high because she is tall enough (167cm).So if you are those cutie who is not so tall,you may wear higher high heels.

Choose colourful dress
Remember colourful dress will always make you look younger.
But if you think you are not thin enough to just wear this tube dress ,you may wear a casual outer as shown as below :

A white colour outer will do

Wear colourful hairband
The colour of the dress is not so bright,so wearing a colourful hairband will make you look cute.Remember to have at least one part is bright of ur dressing that will make you look young !
Wear high heels
Same like what I said in the first picture,this model is tall enough to wear sandals but if you are not tall enough you may wear high heels to make your legs look longer

Wear a belt
This type of dress look like skirt and top seperately but actually it is one piece dress so if you are not very confident of your waist,you can wear a belt to hide your shortcoming,the colour i suggest for the belt is brown.
Wear cute accesories
The necklace and the headdress that the model wearing is same in colour,this will make harmony to her looks.And if you don't like headdress that is too big you can wear a small one.Dont forget to choose cute and romantic style of accesories!

Wear white dress
White dress always make people think that you are pure and cute ! And the lace around the neck area of the dress add many points to this simple dress.
Carry a small bag
If you're not taking too much stuff but just your phone,camera,purse or ipod,you can just carry a small and cute bag which will make you look cute.
Wear colour high heels
If your dress is plain colour,you may wear high heels in bright colour to not making your dressing too plain.Remember what I said ? You should have at least one part is bright in colour.

Wear chiffon dress with tshirt
Chiffon dress will always make people thinks that you are romantic.To not making ownself too romantic you can wear a tshirt inside the dress to make yourself look young.The colour of the chiffon dress is important also,don't always just choose the traditional white colour chiffon dress,colour like sky blue is nice too :)
Wear sport shoes
If you are always wearing high heels and getting tired sometime,you may wear sport shoes too.It will not be weird but nice and do not make people think that you are so hard to approach.

Some details part of the dress

Wear cute design of tshirt,skirt and shoes
The tshirt you wear should not be colourful when your skirt is colourful,you may choose black and white shirt with cute cartoons,it may be loong sleeves or short sleeves,it's up to you.The colour of skirt is cute here also,light pink is definetely the colour of young girls.In addition,the cute pink sneakers definetely add more cute feeling to the whole dressing.

Poker dots !
I think everyone will agree poker dots is one of the symbol of cuteness right? But if your hair is black in colour,I will advised you to choose another colour of tshirt,but if you really like colour that not so bright you may wear tshirt that grey in colour.
Ribbon hairband
The hairband I mentioned in the first picture is hairband like this.The key point to look cute here is definetely ribbon !

Colour and cutting of dress
The colour of this dress brings young feeling and make you look cute and pure.
Same high heels and bag !?
Did you ever notice the high heels appear in the first picture and the bag appear in the fifth picture before ? That's mean the shoes and bags you bought can always been wore again with another dress.

Cute blouse + Nice colour high waisted skirt + high heels
(P.S. Dont forget to choose a cute belt ;) )

Dress !
Dress with the pattern of tiny flower is also a big trend recently.But if you did not choose the colour of the dress well,it will make you look old.Bright colour dress will do.
Sport shoes,accesories and hat !
Hyomin did not choose to wear high heels but sport shoes (she is 167cm also) This look is suitable to wear when you are going picnic with the guy you admire.The accesories and hat definetely add marks to your dressing.

Same skirt diff feeling !
The skirts in both pictures are the same,although they wear totally diff thing but both the look shows cute image of girls.And the basic formula i mention before is still used here.And still you can wear a belt to hide your shortcomings :) And another thing I wanna mention here is that you can always choose nice cutting of shirt and also blouse but not must be normal tshirt with your skirt.

Wear cool boots !
When your skirt is cute enough,don't just always wear barbie like high heels.Sometime you can change your style a bit by wearing this kind of boots,you will look young when you are not just follow the custome,you're showing ppl you're brave enough to try new things.
But again if you are not confident of your arms,you can wear a casual outer

A black outer that match with the black boots will do

Cute one piece hoodie dress
Not only normal dress will make you look cute but this kind of hoodie dress will also,you will also look sporty.
Shoes !
The model is wearing cute rain boots with cute colour but if you think it is too childrish and you could not accept it you may just wear a pair of sport spoes.

And I found that a Banana dress is really famous among the online shops because my top 3 online shops all are selling this item,let's just have a look on how we can dress this dress in 3 different style

Left (Qri): She is wearing the dress with brown colour high heels and a cute pink bag.She is also tying her hair to a cute hairstyle.I think she suit the concept cute well but it does not really look young.

Middle (Do Hwe Ji ): She is wearing the dress with the black boots and also a black bag.The big attraction point is her long yet skinny legs here.I personally think that her legs are the most beautiful even though the other 2 girls are artists.This look is totally rocks but it does not suit to the concept cute & young but it is cool and mature.So if you bought a dress like this and sometime you wanna change your style,you may refer to this :)

Right(Ji Young):She is wearing the dress with sport shoes,grey bags and wearing a cute watch.What makes her look cute here is the hairstyle.And for your information,she is just 16 years old so definetely she suit this style well XD

Here are the end of my post,this is my first time doing post like this do hope you do not mind if I did any mistakes.You are always welcomed to leave comment to exchange your opinions with me and please ask if you have any questions,I will try my best to answer you.

I'm still thinking what style to blog about next time so if you are curious to know any style please let me know and I will try to do it.Please visit my blog always if you like this post,I will blog more posts like this in the future and don't forget to click on my advs : )
Kfashion daebak XD